Since I realised the amount of sugar in shop bought granolas I have taken a vow to make my own from now on, at least that way I know exactly what's in it and it doesn't feel like I'm crunching my way through pieces of sugar!
You'll need a large container for this batch as it's quite substantial - I love my Kilner cliptop storage jar as it's so versatile and keeps anything I store extremely fresh.
- Zest of 2 large oranges
- Juice of 1 large orange
- 2 tbsp Coconut Oil (I use Lucy Bee)
- 2 tbsp Biona Coconut Nectar (or honey if preferred)
- 1 tbsp Vanilla essence
- 300g Almonds
- 100g Chopped Almonds
- 200g Cashews
- 100g Hazelnuts
- 80g Pecans
- 100g Pumpkin seeds
- 100g Desiccated coconut
- 50g Flaxseeds
- 25g Chia seeds
- 2 tsp Cinnamon
- 1 tsp Mixed spice
- 100g Goji Berries
Preheat the oven to 180°C
In a Pan melt the coconut oil then combine the orange zest, juice, coconut nectar and vanilla essence - put aside.
Combine all the nuts, seeds, cinnamon and mixed spice then pour over the dry ingredients mixing until everything is coated.
Spread the mixture onto one large baking tray and bake for approximately 12 minutes mixing at half time. Leave in the oven, with the oven turned off and the door open off for about 15 minutes to continue the drying out process - this aids the crunch factor.
Mix in the goji berries or if you prefer, raisins are lovely too.
Serve with yogurt topped with fresh berries or compote, milk or eat it as as snack as I often do when I have a craving for something naughty.
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